Sunday, March 20, 2011

Progress so 1

I managed to finish the intro level of the game. So right now, I'm working on Station Square and the first level.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Secret Dungeons!

There are a total of 4 secret dungeons to find and explore in Sonic: The Rising Chaos. these dungeons hold secret items, stronger monsters and 4 secret bosses to fight! Those dungeons can be unlocked at early and near the end of the game. I'm working on them now. So stay tune!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Sceenshots

Here are the first screen shots of the game in development. Tell me what you think of them. Again, progress will be slow, I will do my best to make this game a reality!

Disclaimer: The following sprites and resources used in these screen shots are not mine, they belong to their repsected owners. Please support this disclaimer.